
Welcome to our website!

Our goal is to help adults who are learning English to access free English language classes and support in Kerry. This includes migrants, International Protection Applicants (IPAs), Refugees, and Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection (BOTPs). On this website, you can:

Find Free English Language Classes in Kerry - in-person and online
Complete an assessment to find out your current level of English proficiency
Find English language support services in Kerry.

The courses are in English, but navigation interfaces are provided in Arabic, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian and other languages. English language skills are essential for the integration and wellbeing of protection applicants and refugees. All English language support Services available are linked on site.

The Kerry English Language Support subgroup created this website. The subgroup is part of the Kerry Community Integration Forum, which brings together different organisations to help migrants, IPAs, refugees, beneficiaries of temporary protection (BOTPs) and others settle into the Kerry community.